- Status : Released
- Release Date of film : 2007-04-26
- Original title : 28 Weeks Later
- Tagline : When days turn to weeks... the horror returns.
- Movie Genre : Horror, Science Fiction, Thriller,
- Languages spoken : English
- Film Note : -movie_rating-
- Societies of production : Koan Films
- Vote Count : 242
- Duration of movie : 100
- Average rate : 6.2
- Youtube Id : -youtube_id-
- Robert Carlyle Character (Don)
- Rose Byrne Character (Scarlet)
- Jeremy Renner Character (Sergeant Doyle)
- Harold Perrineau Jr. Character (Flynn)
- Catherine McCormack Character (Alice)
- Idris Elba Character (General Stone)
- Imogen Poots Character (Tammy)
- Mackintosh Muggleton Character (Andy)
- Amanda Walker Character (Sally)
- Shahid Ahmed Character (Jacob)
- Garfield Morgan Character (Geoff)
- Emily Beecham Character (Karen)
- Beans El-Balawi Character (Boy in Cottage (as Beans Balawi))
- Meghan Popiel Character (DLR Soldier)
- Stewart Alexander Character (Military Officer)
- Philip Bulcock Character (Senior Medical Officer)
- Chris Ryman Character (Rooftop Sniper)
- Tristan Tait Character (Soldier)
- William Meredith Character (Medical Officer)
- Matt Reeves Character (Bunker Soldier)
- Thomas Garvey Character (Bunker Major)
- Tom Bodell Character (Medical Centre Lobby Soldier)
- Andrew Byron Character (Carpark Soldier)
- Sarah Finigan Character (Carpark Civilian)
- Roderic Culver Character (Carpark Civilian)
- Maeve Malley-Ryan Character (Carpark Civilian (as Maeve Ryan))
- Ed Coleman Character (Carpark Civilian)
- Karen Meagher Character (Carpark Civilian)
- Amanda Lawrence Character (Carpark Civilian)
- Simon Delaney Character (Carpark Civilian)
- Drew Rhys-Williams Character (Carpark Civilian)
- Raymond Waring Character (Sam)
- Kish Sharma Character (Depot Man)
- Jane Thorne Character (Depot Woman)
- Dean Alexandrou Character (Infected Person (uncredited))
- Didier Dell Benjamin Character (Civilian (uncredited))
- Gareth Clarke Character (Infected Person (uncredited))
- James Fiddy Character (Victim (uncredited))
- Tommy Gunn Character (Marine (uncredited))
- Daniel Jefferson Character (Civilian (uncredited))
- Debbie Kurup Character (Infected Person (uncredited))
- Selina Lo Character (Infected Person (uncredited))
- Joo Costa Menezes Character (Infected Person (uncredited))
- Jane Osborn Character (Infected Person (uncredited))
- Jude Poyer Character (Infected Person (uncredited))
- Joseph Ripley Character (Infected person (uncredited))
28 Weeks Later Synopsis:
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Patrick Rolfe Job as : Art Direction, Denis Schnegg Job as : Art Direction, Michelle Day Job as : Set Decoration, Jane Petrie Job as : Costume Design, Luan Placks Job as : Costume Supervisor, Shaheen Baig Job as : Casting, Juan Carlos Fresnadillo Job as : Director, Enrique Chediak Job as : Director of Photography, John Murphy Job as : Music, Danny Boyle Job as : Executive Producer, Alex Garland Job as : Executive Producer, Chris Gill Job as : Editor, Mark Tildesley Job as : Production Design, Bernard Bellew Job as : Producer, Allon Reich Job as : Producer, Andrew Macdonald Job as : Producer, Enrique Lpez Lavigne Job as : Producer, Rowan Joffe Job as : Screenplay, Juan Carlos Fresnadillo Job as : Screenplay, Jess Olmo Job as : Screenplay,
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